ChouAmi - Le Petit Fermenteur



 A special thanks to Chef Karen Diggs, our fermentation guru and vision behind this project!

 ChouAmi is a fermentation device designed "perfectly" for the Le Parfait glass jars. 


ChouAmi is an easy to use, yet sophisticated fermenting device, that helps you make probiotic-rich fermented foods at home in small batches.

ChouAmi's highly functional and stylish design was conceptualized and created by Chef Karen Diggs and is based on traditional fermentation crocks from Europe and Asia, which have been in use for centuries to make healthy and wholesome, cultured foods. ChouAmi will help revitalize the ancient craft of fermentation for the 21st Century, with a modern twist.

ChouAmi is your fermentation friend who will be there day after day, year after year to help you make probiotic-rich, cultured food for you and your family with ease and style. 

The recently launched website at is packed full of tips, recipes and tutorials to help you along in your journey towards a healthy and happy lifestyle!

Let's Ferment a Better World



You might be thinking "why eat fermented foods"?
Fermented foods contain lactobacilli cultures that are the original probiotics.
Our ancestors lived on fermented foods.
The lactobacilli strains keep our digestion and immune systems healthy.
We need the good bacteria to keep up our immune-systems against harmful bacteria.   


Happy Fermenting!